Shun Hing College Event Organization Guide

Your ultimate guide to initiating something in SHC

For an event scheduled in academic year 24-25 (September 2024 to May 2025), submit your proposal from before 15 March 2025.


We encourage every college student to initiate something here and contribute to our community. Please read the full guide carefully and follow it strictly when you organize events in SHC to help us keep things organized and maximize efficiency. (Updated on September 2024)

*Note: This guide is for organizing events that use college resources (e.g. long-time occupation of public space, budget, branding, staff etc.) only.


Planning (Application & Event-coverage, Poster Design)


  1. Plan out your event, get a tutor as the event supporting tutor. (Please note that the final approval decision will be made by the college master)
  2. Submit a brief proposal (purpose, date, budget, promotion material, simple rundown) and an event poster to your supporting tutor.
  3. Wait for the approval of your event. (Contact person: your supporting tutor)
  4. Apply for event coverage by Photography Team. Please email Resident Tutor Oliver ( After editing, the photos will be available in college Flickr albums, college Facebook, and Instagram. If the college Photography Team is not available, please take some photos (landscape layout) by yourself and send them to your supporting tutor and tutor Oliver within two days after your event.


Promoting (Poster, Facebook, Instagram, & Mass-email)


  1. After you confirm the event promotion material with your supporting tutor, notify Resident Tutor Kevin ( about your event details and attach your poster JPG file, so the Editorial Team can help promote your event on our official Facebook page and Instagram.
  2. Ask your supporting tutor to help send out the mass email and print poster. (For an internal event, 6 working days in advance; for a JCSV III event, 11 working days in advance.)


Publishing (Facebook, Instagram)


  1. After the event, send a short description of the event to Photography Team leaders. You can find references from college Facebook posts.
  2. The College Media will publish the event photos and videos on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube within a week.